With the process of exploration, it can help FUBU target those who need help with our serviecs.

Our art exhibit presents many examples of how times are continuously changing and unyielding when it comes
to the people of color in our neighboring communities.
Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values, and translating experiences across space and time. The reason why we’re here is that everyone can learn more about other cultures through the lens of fine and contemporary art in workshops and activities.
Mission: The FUBU Art Exhibit will reinforce the cultural unity of people of color by welcoming all people to explore and experience art, creativity, in our shared community. It includes educating and engaging the public on local, regional, and global social issues through the visual arts.
Similarities: Annual Diversity Art Exhibit and The Museum of Contemporary Art.
Differentiators: Unlike the examples
mentioned, our art exhibit will be a place that will have no entry fee so that we can depend on government assistance for other costs.

Entrance to the FUBU African Gallery.
A mother and child having some bonding time.

A teenager with her self-portrait sculpture in the exhibit.
In our exciting marathon, we’re
evoking a universal human
experience by resonating many
feelings to help people to relate
to one another.
The movie marathon will be for people fourteen and over. It’s a four day event that features inspiring stories that feature people of color from American History to the current events we face in our everyday struggle for success and acknowledgment. Plus, AMC is one
of the biggest movie companies in America to be in collaboration to promote the event through social media and ads.
Mission: The FUBU Movie Marathon reinforces our mission of empowering people of color by enhancing the cultural vitality of people of color
through the power of film.
Similarities: Cinemark and
Harkins Theater
Differentiators: Unlike the other brands we will have the marathon free of charge so that our audience will enjoy everything for free. AMC will pay for all the expenses.

A customer buying popcorn at the concession stand.

A premiere of a movie created by our FUBU staff members.

A black couple enjoying the film.
We seek to report bus location data to ensure easy and safe transportation for everyday high school students.
Our bus tracker helps high schoolers track down their bus faster whether through corporate or local transportation. The problem is that every time a parent calls the bus
operator, either the operator isn’t there or is too busy to reach the call.
Mission: The FUBU Bus Pool reinforces our mission to empower people of color by delivering students safely to their destinations on time. That way there can be safe and
efficient transportation that meets
all of the requirements of the daily instructional programs and
extra-curricular activities.
Similarities: Chicago Transit Authority and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Differentiators: Unlike the transit brands mentioned, the idea will not depend on a bus operator to notify the customer.

A teenage girl waiting for the bus.

A teenage girl waiting for the bus.
Teens talking insides the bus.
There’s always great laughter even through the depths of sadness. We encourage people of color to laugh out loud in the essence of comedy.
It’s a small venue that’s more intimate than a large outdoor setting. The festival features comedians from different backgrounds. It can touch on major subjects through comedy without judgment nor conflict among other groups.
Mission: The FUBU Comedyfest will empower the cultural unity of people
of color through the promotion of inclusivity and diversity by giving the opportunity for local people to
perform and everyone to enjoy the laughter without barriers.
Similarities: The Harlem Comedy Festival and The Third NW Black Comedy Festival.
Differentiators: Unlike the examples above, it will be the type of event that will be based in a daytime setting.
We love creating bonds and make the world a happier, healthier place.
Our color run will give you the fun of
a lifetime.
It will be an untimed five-kilometer run for charity. At each kilometer, the runners who will be participating in the event will be doused in FUBU’s signature colors. They‘ll wear white at the starting line and finish the race plastered in color. The event can also have the opportunity to collaborate with a local charity partner within the community to help shine a light on their
amazing work.
Mission: The FUBU Color Run reinforces our mission of empowering people
of color by providing an enjoyable and positive running atmosphere to promote a positive atmosphere
within our community.
Similarities: Color Vibe and
The Color Run
Differentiators: The difference is that it will be within the neighborhood so that it can be easier for first time runners to sign up and join the fun.
We will make sure that no child is forgotten in the world. Children
need positive role models to avoid the pitfalls of urban life.
Children who don’t have siblings to look up to are most likely to be rebellious in life. With our program, we can have a sibling figure to be a positive and healthy role model. The child will be able to maintain a long-lasting relationship with his/her role model.
Mission: The FUBU Siblings of New York reinforces our mission to empower the cultural unity of people of color by building up a one-to-one relationship with the caregiver to assist them in achieving their highest potential as they grow to become responsible adults in the future.
Similarities: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and Chicago Hopes for Kids
Differentiators: We will reach out to at-risk children who came from a series of very unfortunate events to better understand their circumstances. We’ll also make them feel comfortable by letting them express themselves to be intimidated by us.
Our tour will serve up the Big
Apple in perfect slices. Hop on to capture panoramic views of icons like the Empire State Building and Brooklyn Bridge.
Because our home base is in New York we decided to collaborate with Big Bus Tours to have the less unfortunate people of color to view the various cultural areas of New York City. A tour guide will be provided for the three-day tour. Riders will not only receive the
guide’s insight but also for their personality and humor as they view the different parts of the city.
Mission: The FUBU Cultural tour will reinforce our mission to empower the cultural unity of people of color by inspiring people to go beyond their cultural boundaries and experience what makes a place meaningful in the community through the eyes of its diverse
people and culture.
Similarities: Liberty Helicopters and Real New York Tours
Differentiators: Our cultural tour will be free of charge for riders who are not able to afford to go on a bus tour. Besides our collaboration with Big Bus Tours, we are also open to work with nonprofit organizations that care for inclusivity of every person of color so that every rider can get the experience the taste of
New York City.
People don’t realize that golf can
be a great experience for them.
Playing a competitive sport like golf with other people helps boost your self-esteem, social skills, and overall mental wellbeing.
This event will feature people of color who want to experience golf for the first time. In this all-inclusive sporting event, we will provide equipment, golf tips, golf fitness, golf travel, course rankings, and rules of golf.
Mission: The FUBU Golf Experience reinforces our mission to empower
the cultural unity of people of color
by having them enjoy the outdoor
life more so that they can get in touch
with nature and to experience a sport that they had never encountered before in their lives.
Similarities: We Are Golf and United Black Golfers Association
Differentiators: We will not discriminate against any member or potential member based on race, color, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation.
It leads readers to deepen and better understand the faith or values that guide their lives, providing a forum for all those who share the ideals of peace, justice, freedom, and truth.
The magazine strives to advance the national conversation about diversity and inclusion through thought-provoking articles on current racial issues. It contains interviews with innovators, political activists, and
the everyday person in the community. It will engage readers with the goal of achieving a more inclusive culture on both academic and corporate
campuses in America.
Mission: The FUBU Online Magazine reinforces our mission to empower the cultural unity of people of color by tackling some complex questions of whiteness, and how casual and aversive racism can occur even without explicit intent. The magazine will cause our audience to be aware of what’s
going on to inspire them to make a positive impact in their lives and other folks as well.
Similarities: Complex Magazine, The Jet, and Essence Magazine
Differentiators: Unlike the online magazines mentioned, it will be for people of all ages instead of focusing
on a particular sex.